Update Order API

The Update order API will allow us in updating the already added order against the customer in the system.

Update Order.

POST https://<sub domain>.kapturecrm.com/ms/customer/order/api/v1/add-update

NOTE: Please replace with your sub domain name in the API.


To access this API endpoint, you need to include your user name and password in the Authorization header. For authentication, use the following header, which will help you generate your Basic Auth token:

Basic <Your Token>

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object containing the details of the customer against which the order needs to be updated along with the order details. Here are the list of parameters.





Indicates the name of the customer exisiting in the System.




Kapture generated unique order id against which the update of information is needed.

    "customer_info": {
        "customer_name": "ABC",
        "phone": "9380491257",
        "email_id": "abc@abc.min",
        "locality": "",
        "city": "",
        "state": "",
        "country": "India",
        "address": "jalsa",
        "type": "",
        "classification": "",
        "pincode": "",
        "customer_code": "",
        "customer_id": "",
        "customer_assign_emp_name": "",
        "customer_assign_emp_code": "",
        "customer_assign_emp_email": "",
        "zone": "",
        "customer_remarks": "",
        "individual": false,
        "organization": true,
        "channel_partner": false,
        "remarks": "testing",
        "primary_source": "",
        "secondary_source": "",
        "tertiary_source": "",
        "additional_fields": {},
        "associate_fields": {},
        "update": false
    "contact_info": [
            "contact_id": "",
            "title": "no",
            "first_name": "",
            "last_name": "",
            "contact_person_name": "",
            "country_code": "",
            "contact_person_phone": "9380491257",
            "contact_person_email": "",
            "additional_contact_phone": "",
            "dob": "",
            "gender": "Male",
            "update": false,
            "matchEmailPhone": false
    "enquiry_info": {
        "enquiry_id": "",
        "assign_emp_name": "",
        "assign_emp_code": "",
        "assign_emp_email": "",
        "round_robin_key": "",
        "next_follow_up_date": "",
        "action": "",
        "subStatus": "",
        "additional_fields": {},
        "associate_fields": {},
        "update": false,
        "remarks": "testing"
    "order_info": {
        "order_id": "23518265",
        "assign_emp_name": "",
        "assign_emp_code": "",
        "assign_emp_email": "",
        "delivery_status": "",
        "erp_order_id": "",
        "erp_invoice_no": "",
        "create_date": "",
        "remarks": "testing 2345",
        "invoice_no": "3141341",
        "invoice_date": "",
        "unit_name": "",
        "block_name": "",
        "ticket_id": "",
        "encryptOrder": "",
        "payment_mode": "",
        "dealDetails": "",
        "associate_fields": {},
        "update": true

Please map in the request body if there's any extra associate body according to your use case.

Response Body

The API responds with a JSON object containing the details of the added order against the customer. If successful, the response will include the customer ID, order ID and the other relevant information.

ResponseResponse Messages

{ ..., "status": "success"}

List of customers fetched successfully.

{"message": "Invalid Auth Key","status": "failed"}

Authorization key is either not passed in header, or incorrect, or expired/disabled

    "status": "success",
    "message": "Order Updated successfully !",
    "Order": {
        "result": true,
        "customer_id": 191696570,
        "enquiry_id": 24284719,
        "action": "ORDER",
        "action_event": "ORDER_FIELD_UPDATION",
        "contact_id": 210006001

Error Codes

Error CodesDescription


Bad Request - Invalid parameters or missing data


Unauthorized - Invalid or missing API key


Forbidden - Insufficient permissions


Not Found - Resource or endpoint not found


Internal Server Error - Server-side issue

Example of a working curl

curl --location 'https://devapi.kapturecrm.com/ms/customer/order/api/v1/add-update' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Your Token>' \
--data-raw '{
    "customer_info": {
        "customer_name": "ABC",
        "phone": "9380491257",
        "email_id": "abc@abc.min",
        "locality": "",
        "city": "",
        "state": "",
        "country": "India",
        "address": "jalsa",
        "type": "",
        "classification": "",
        "pincode": "",
        "customer_code": "",
        "customer_id": "",
        "customer_assign_emp_name": "",
        "customer_assign_emp_code": "",
        "customer_assign_emp_email": "",
        "zone": "",
        "customer_remarks": "",
        "individual": false,
        "organization": true,
        "channel_partner": false,
        "remarks": "testing",
        "primary_source": "",
        "secondary_source": "",
        "tertiary_source": "",
        "additional_fields": {},
        "associate_fields": {},
        "update": false
    "contact_info": [
            "contact_id": "",
            "title": "no",
            "first_name": "",
            "last_name": "",
            "contact_person_name": "",
            "country_code": "",
            "contact_person_phone": "9380491257",
            "contact_person_email": "",
            "additional_contact_phone": "",
            "dob": "",
            "gender": "Male",
            "update": false,
            "matchEmailPhone": false
    "enquiry_info": {
        "enquiry_id": "",
        "assign_emp_name": "",
        "assign_emp_code": "",
        "assign_emp_email": "",
        "round_robin_key": "",
        "next_follow_up_date": "",
        "action": "",
        "subStatus": "",
        "additional_fields": {},
        "associate_fields": {},
        "update": false,
        "remarks": "testing"
    "order_info": {
        "order_id": "23518265",
        "assign_emp_name": "",
        "assign_emp_code": "",
        "assign_emp_email": "",
        "delivery_status": "",
        "erp_order_id": "",
        "erp_invoice_no": "",
        "create_date": "",
        "remarks": "testing 2345",
        "invoice_no": "3141341",
        "invoice_date": "",
        "unit_name": "",
        "block_name": "",
        "ticket_id": "",
        "encryptOrder": "",
        "payment_mode": "",
        "dealDetails": "",
        "associate_fields": {},
        "update": true

Last updated