Get FAQ Content API
The Get FAQ API Content API helps you to get you the content of the FAQ against the Category Id.
Get FAQ Content.
https://<sub domain>
NOTE: Please replace with your sub domain name in the API.
To access this API endpoint, you need to include your API key in the request headers. For authentication, use the following header:
Basic <Your Token>
Request Body
The request body should be a JSON object containing the details of the FAQ Contents to be fetched. Here are the list of parameters.
Category Id
FAQ Contents to be searched based on category id. To get the system category ids, we can use the FAQ Category API
Start Date & End Date
start_date, end_date
Date the FAQ content was created IN yyyy-mm-dd format
Employee Id
FAQ Contents created by
Start Index, End Index
start_index, end_index
Since FAQ contents are huge data, so it is recommended to use start index and end index. By default start index will be 0 and end index will be 20
"employee_id": "",
"category_id": "5247",
"start_index": "0",
"end_index": "20"
Response Body
The API responds with a JSON object containing the details of the all the contents inside that FAQ Category. If successful, the response will include the category ID and the other relevant information.
{ ..., "status": "success"}
List of customers fetched successfully.
{"message": "Invalid Auth Key","status": "failed"}
Authorization key is either not passed in header, or incorrect, or expired/disabled
"message": {
"contents": [
"id": 18909,
"title": "Is any warranty on Pens?",
"detail": "Ball Pen shelf life is 2 years & Gel Pen 1 year. Warranty applicable on – Skip writing, Ink leakage, If ink dry & Replacement against manufacturing defects (temperature also affect on dryness of ink )",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18910,
"title": "How much Distributor/ Super Distributor/ Retailer Margin?",
"detail": "For More details please connect with our customer service team. Our customer service team is available on 18002092151 between 10 AM – 5.30 PM. You may also write to us at for any complaints and for any product related query.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18911,
"title": "How many Super Distributors or Distributors available in our Region?",
"detail": "Each market has a different structure, Please send your enquiry to our email Id also confirm your contact so our Sales Manager will contact you.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18912,
"title": "How much CD available?",
"detail": "For More details please connect with our customer service team. Our customer service team is available on 18002092151 between 10 AM – 5.30 PM. You may also write to us at for any complaints and for any product related query.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18913,
"title": "What is Credit Policy?",
"detail": "For More details please connect with our customer service team. Our customer service team is available on 18002092151 between 10 AM – 5.30 PM. You may also write to us at for any complaints and for any product related query.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18914,
"title": "Which are the Ink Colours available?",
"detail": "We have Blue, Black, Red, Green are primary colours in fancy colours Yellow, Orange, Pink, Magenta, Purple, Beige, Turquoise, Lime, Brown, Mocha.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18915,
"title": "Master packing all colour are available are single colours?",
"detail": "Yes , all color having individual packing.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18916,
"title": "How GST on Pen & Markers & Stationery.",
"detail": "On Pen & Markers 12 % , Stationery 18%",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18917,
"title": "Is your product are recyclable?",
"detail": "All our plastic parts can be re-cycled, as per legal terms.Before re-cycling, components should be dismantled and segregate RM wise.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18918,
"title": "Do you have Markers & what are the colors available?",
"detail": "We do have Whiteboard Marker & Permanent Marker In 4 Colours- Blue,Black,Red,Green.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18919,
"title": "Do you sale Whiteboard Marker Board?",
"detail": "No ,we do not sell the Board.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18920,
"title": "Do you sale Ball Pen Refill, Gel Pen Refill Individually?",
"detail": "Yes, we offer Refill also.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18921,
"title": "Markers are refillable?",
"detail": "Yes, Markers are Refillable.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18922,
"title": "Do you have Marker Ink?",
"detail": "No ,we don’t have Maker Ink.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18923,
"title": "Do you have Glitter Ink Pen?",
"detail": "Yes, we do have glitter ink also.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"id": 18924,
"title": "Do you have fountain Pen?",
"detail": "No we don’t have fountain pen.",
"type": "FAQ",
"categoryId": 5247,
"categoryName": "FAQ - Claro",
"categoryPath": "5213/5215/5247/",
"enabled": "Yes",
"createDate": "08 Dec, 2023 17:21",
"displayIndex": 0,
"tags": ""
"status": "success"
Error Codes
Bad Request - Invalid parameters or missing data
Unauthorized - Invalid or missing API key
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions
Not Found - Resource or endpoint not found
Internal Server Error - Server-side issue
Example of a working curl
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Your Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=; JSESSIONID=' \
--data '[
"employee_id": "",
"category_id": "5247",
"start_index": "0",
"end_index": "20"
import requests
import json
url = ""
payload = json.dumps([
"start_date": "2024-05-02",
"end_date": "2024-05-02"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Basic <Your Token>',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
var request = require('request');
var options = {
'method': 'POST',
'url': '',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Basic <Your Token>',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify([
"start_date": "2024-05-02",
"end_date": "2024-05-02"
request(options, function (error, response) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
Last updated
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