Pull Ticket API by Date Range
The Pull Ticket API section allows users to get the existing ticket information sourced from external systems which were created particularly on the specific dates
Pull Ticket.
https://<sub domain>.kapturecrm.com/select-ticket-between-start-and-end-dates.html/v.2.0
To access this API endpoint, you need to include your API key in the request headers. For authentication, use the following header:
Request Body
The request body should be a JSON object containing the details of the ticket to be pulled for a specific date range. Here are the list of parameters.
Date should be in YYYY-MM-DD format. Also at one hit we can pull a data of max 24 hours.
Date should be in YYYY-MM-DD format. Also at one hit we can pull a data of max 24 hours.
Please map in the request body if there's any extra associate body according to your use case.
Response Body
The API responds with a JSON object containing the details of the list of tickets. If successful, the response will include the list of ticket ID's and the other updated relevant information.
{ ..., "status": "success"}
Ticket fetched successfully.
{"message": "Invalid Auth Key","status": "failed"}
Authorization key is either not passed in header, or incorrect, or expired/disabled
{ "message": "Invalid Json.", "status": "failed" }
Most probably, data may in array format. It should be in object format.
{ "message": "ticket_ids are missing.", "status": "failed" }
Either ticket_ids field is missing or empty.
Error Codes
Bad Request - Invalid parameters or missing data
Unauthorized - Invalid or missing API key
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions
Not Found - Resource or endpoint not found
Internal Server Error - Server-side issue
Example of a working curl
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