Add Ticket API

The Add Ticket API section allows users to create new tickets from external sources within the Kapture environment.

Create Ticket.

POST https://<sub domain>

NOTE: Please replace with your sub domain name in the API.


To access this API endpoint, you need to include your API key in the request headers. For authentication, use the following header:

Basic <Your Token>

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object containing the details of the ticket to be added. Here are the list of parameters.

        "title": "",
        "ticket_details": "",
        "due_date": "",
        "email_id": ""

Please map in the request body if there's any extra associate body according to your use case.

Response Body

The API responds with a JSON object containing the details of the added ticket. If successful, the response will include the ticket ID and other relevant information.

    "ticket": {
        "id": 530348198,
        "type": "O",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "",
        "status": "P",
        "orderId": "",
        "queueKey": "",
        "ticketId": "713516551148",
        "folderId": 0,
        "detail": "",
        "isUnread": true,
        "isOutOfSLA": false,
        "priority": 0,
        "isCallBack": false,
        "creatorId": 0,
        "enquiryId": 0,
        "contactId": 0,
        "substatus": "US",
        "productId": 0,
        "erpOrderId": "",
        "referenceId": 0,
        "ticketEmail": "",
        "assignedToId": 0,
        "pendingTaskId": 0,
        "agencyBriefId": 0,
        "twitterUserId": "",
        "facebookUserId": "",
        "associativefile": "",
        "statusName": "Pending",
        "customerFeedback": 0,
        "playStoreReviewId": "",
        "lastConversationId": 0,
        "lastConversationType": "O",
        "lastConversationTime": 1713516551152,
        "date": "2024-04-19 14:19:11",
        "totalConversationCount": 0,
        "taskTitle": "TEST 1",
        "typeName": "Mobile App",
        "taskEnddate": "2024-04-19 14:19:11",
        "lastFollowUp": "2024-04-19 14:19:11",
        "nextFollowUp": "2024-04-19 14:19:11",
        "substatusName": "Unattended",
        "encryptedPhone": "",
        "encryptedEmail": "",
        "lastConversationTypeName": "Mobile App",
        "ticketURL": "/employee/view-task-detail.html?detail=5/530348198/713516551148",
        "ticketCreatorURL": "/employee/view-task-detail.html?detail=5/530348198/713516551148",
        "isEscalated": true,
        "folders": [
        "queueName": "",
        "creatorName": "",
        "folderColor": "red",
        "assignedToName": "",
        "assignedToPhone": "",
        "assignedToEmail": "",
        "mergeTicketId": "",
        "skuCode": "",
        "productName": ""
    "Additional_details": {},
    "due_date": "2024-04-19 14:19:11",
    "title": "TEST 1",
    "customer_id": 0,
    "ticket_id": "713516551148",
    "Ticket Id": "713516551148",
    "ticket_url": "",
    "status": "success"

Error Codes

Example of a working curl

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Your Token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '[
        "title": "TEST 1",
        "ticket_details": "",
        "due_date": "",
        "email_id": ""

Last updated