Get FAQ Category API
The Get FAQ Category API will help us to get all the category along with the Id's.
Get FAQ Category.
https://<sub domain>
To access this API endpoint, you need to include your API key in the request headers. For authentication, use the following header:
Request Body
There will be no body for the API we just need to pass the Authorization Key into the Headers.
Response Body
The API responds with a JSON object containing the details of the all the category in the system along with the category Id's.
{ ..., "status": "success"}
List of customers fetched successfully.
{"message": "Invalid Auth Key","status": "failed"}
Authorization key is either not passed in header, or incorrect, or expired/disabled
Error Codes
Bad Request - Invalid parameters or missing data
Unauthorized - Invalid or missing API key
Forbidden - Insufficient permissions
Not Found - Resource or endpoint not found
Internal Server Error - Server-side issue
Example of a working curl
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